The Call to Leadership
The Leadership Experience core masterclass, along with the available tracks, offer a 6 week journey
towards leadership self-activation...the unconventional way, of course.
Public Thought leader track
Public speakers, writers, community leaders, and thought-leadership influencers will take part in this track. Focused on aligning your Mission Statement with your messaging and using your platform to change the world.
Entrepreneur Leader track
Business owners, C-suite executives, and aspiring entrepreneurs: this track is for you! Apply your leadership skills to your business and bring purpose to your company's mission.
The Leadership Experience core
The core curriculum of this coaching masterclass focuses on TLE's leadership principles, the self-discovery journey, and discovering your Mission Statement.
The Podcast Experience Track
Aspiring podcasters: if you have decided that your leadership has led you to developing your own platform to share your voice, then this is your track. Learning how to apply the fundamentals of leadership to your podcast in order to help transform the lives of others is just the beginning of this add-on track.
Career Leader track
Career advancement applications for The Leadership Experience core class as an add-on track. Take your new-found leadership to your job and storm the castle of mediocrity.